Organic rose oil in a luxury wooden box – 1ml.

Application: for massage, baths, compresses, inhalations (aroma lamps), after consultation with aromatherapist.

Effects: antidepressant (boosts self esteem, confidence, hope and mental strength), antiseptic, anti viral, astringent, bactericidal, cicatrisant (it makes the scars, stretch and surgery marks, acne and pox and fat cracks on the skin to fade away), antispasmodic (it efficiently relieves spasm in respiratory system, intestines and muscular spasms), depurative (it purifies blood by helping removal and neutralization of toxins from blood), haemostatic(it speeds up clotting or coagulation of blood and stops bleeding), nervine, hepatic and stomachic (it keeps the liver strong and soothes stomach, sedates inflammations, helps them function properly), aphrodisiac, sedative, tonic.


Rose! No doubt it is the most beautiful flower in the world. The flower with innumerable stories, legends and myths associated with it. Due to the favourable climate and ancient production tradition, the Bulgarian Rose Essential Oil (known also as the Rose Otto or the Attar of Roses) is a symbol of high quality and uniqueness. It is extracted by steam distillation of fresh rose blossoms and is composed of hundreds of components.

Benefits: The rose aroma is tender, uplifting and soothing, it keeps you charged and feeling happy. Rose comforts the heart in grief and depression, lifts the spirit and allays anxiety. It is the first choice in treating many of the female reproductive problems, helping with PMS, menopausal symptoms and regulation of periods. It regulates hormone production and helps balance them. It helps women express their femininity by alleviating anxiety and nervous tension and inspiring a confident sensuality. Its valuable skin-care qualities and delicious fragrance make rose a valuable choice in caring for the skin. Mixed into lotions and creams, it treats mature, dry, inflamed and sensitive skin particularly, but it is one of the best oils which can give to all skin types a shining, fresh and youthful expression. Rose makes a wonderful and special addition to massage or bath oils, and is extensively used in mood perfumes.

Blending: This Essential Oil blends well with Geranium, Jasmine, Clove and Palma Rosa essential oils.

Attention: It can take away your headache if used in mild concentrations, but its strong aroma can just play the opposite role if very high concentration is used. Counter-indicative for epileptics, hypertonic patients, breast-feeding mothers, pregnant women, children and people showing individual intolerance to the rose essential oil.

Additional information

Weight 0.153 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 3 cm